Thursday, February 23, 2017

Artorias, The Abysswalker

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Origin: Dark Souls (2011)
Voice Actor: Freddie A'Brassard
Type Of Villain: Fallen Hero/Tragic Villain
Goal: To stop the spread of the Abyss

Gwyn, the Lord of Sunlight, had 4 elite knights under his command. Hawk-eye Gough, Dragonslayer Ornstein, The Lord's Blade Ciaran, and Artorias The Abysswalker. When Manus began infecting Oolacile with the dark Abyss, Artorias and his wolf companion Sif ventured to the city of light. Venturing into the Abyss, Sif and Artorias encountered swarms of black humanity phantoms in the depths. Quickly overwhelmed, Artorias sacrificed his enchanted greatshield to protect Sif and ventured forth. Artorias and Manus fought a devastating battle, ending when Artorias's left arm was broken. Artorias is left handed, and without the use of his dominant hand to wield his greatsword Manus quickly won the battle. Corrupted by the Abyss, Artorias is now nothing more than Manus's puppet, killing anything that moves. The Wolf Knight has fallen from grace, now is the time to put him down.

Manus, Father of The Abyss

Image result for manus father of the abyss

Origin: Dark Souls (2011)
Type of Villain: Ancient Force/Tragic Villain
Goal: Revenge against the people of Oolacile

In Lordran, the very first human was known as the Furtive Pygmy, who gained possession of the Dark Soul. Manus split the soul into millions of pieces, turning mindless hollows into humans. Ages after his death, Manus's body was unearthed and revived by the sorcerers of Oolacile, the birthplace of light sorceries. Tricked by a primordial serpent, the sorcerers brutally tortured Manus, breaking his body and mind. The Humanity inside Manus surged, creating a dark chasm known as the Abyss and transforming him into a mindless, hulking beast. The Abyss transforms humans into abominations, and cannot be removed or illuminated. What a tragic fate to befall the Pygmy. Once the father of humanity, now the father of the dark, corrupting Abyss.



Thursday, February 2, 2017


Origin: Animal Farm by George Orwell (1945)
Voice Actor: Patrick Stewart
Type of Villain: True Antagonist/Tyrant
Goal: To exert complete power over the Jones Farm animals

Napoleon and another pig known as Snowball assumed leadership positions and led a revolution against Mr. Jones, the farm owner. After driving out the humans both Snowball and Napoleon created seven commandments to ensure equality. However, Napoleon grew greedy and selfish, exiling Snowball and assuming control over Animal Farm. As time went on, Napoleon began acting more like the corrupt humans they drove out, changing the commandments of the farm and removibg those he deemed a threat to his rule. At the peak of his rule, the animals launched a second revolt, killing Napoleon and the corrupt government. It is generally interpreted that the farm represents Russia, and that Old Major, another pig, represented Marx or his principles. Snowball can be seen as the provisional government overthrown in the October Revolution, and Napoleon can be seen as Joseph Stalin, or the concept of the Soviet Union as a whole.

"Long live Animal Farm!"