Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Sn0wman ((8))

Sn0wman, named after the shape of her number, represents the Solid Black Ball.
Killing Sn0wman destroys the universe

Crowbar ((7))

Crowbar, named after the shape of the number and the number of letters in "Crowbar", represents the Solid Burgundy Ball. Crowbar is the third in command of The Felt, organizing the other members into a competent force. This is indicated by his hat, which resembles a pool triangle. Crowbar wields a crowbar that is able to completely destroy temporal artifacts, negating their effect on the entire timeline. Crowbar appears to harbor a crush for Snowman, getting flustered in her presence. Two instances of Crowbar are killed by Spades Slick.

Die ((6))

Die, named after the standard six sided dice, represents the Solid Green Ball. Die has no powers of his own, instead wielding a magic voodoo doll. Die has 15 pins corresponding to each member of the Felt. When these pins are placed into the doll, the holder is transported into a timeline where that Felt is dead. Pulling out the pin reverses the effect. Die has an unnatural obsession with chickens and appears to frequently suffer from random panic attacks. Die is killed when Spades Slick helps him live up to his name.

Fin ((5))

Fin, named after the slang term for the 5$ bill and for his shark-like appearance, represents the Solid Orange Ball. Fin is the counterpart to Trace. While Trace can track past trails, Fin tracks a person's future trail. This ability allows Fin to mess with people from the past by interacting with the imprint a person will leave from the future. However, much like Trace, anyone aware of this ability is able to find out where Fin has been, or where they are going to be in the future. Diamonds Droog exploits this and guns Fin down from the future with a SUB-MACHINE GUN.

Clover ((4))

Clover, named after his leprechaun-like appearance, and the "lucky 4 leaf clover" represents the Solid Purple Ball. Clover is incredibly lucky, so much so in that he is practically unkillable. Guns pointed at him point blank will jam, bullets will miss, and his shots will always somehow find their target. Clover is obsessed with riddles, often giving assistance to the Crew in the form of riddles and strange time jigs. Clover has been caught on occasion doing scandalous private jigs with Itchy. Clover is killed during a time paradox unleashed by Spades Slick.

Trace ((3))

Trace, named after the Spanish word for "three" represents the Solid Red Ball. Trace is also in part, named after his ability to trace people's past trails. Trace is able to see and interact with people's past trails, which is the temporal imprint people leave every second. With this ability he harasses the Midnight Crew from the future. However, if one is aware of his abilities they can deduce where Trace will be in the future if he interacts with them. Trace, along with Doze, are accidentally killed by Clubs Deuce via explosive. 

Doze ((2))

Doze, named after the Spanish word for "two" represents the Solid Blue Ball. Doze is able to slow down time, but only for himself. This makes him impossible to interrogate or torture, as the effects of said torture would only register to him after a lengthy amount of time. Doze's ability also affects any electronics he is holding, causing WiFi to slow to unbearable levels. Doze is accidentally killed by Clubs Deuce via explosive