Friday, May 5, 2017

Jack Noir

Origin: Homestuck (2009)
Type of Villain: Tyrant/Serial Killer
Goal: Senseless slaughter 

The two planets, Derse and Prospit, exist within SBURB, the game that the central protagonists play. Creatures known as carapicians inhabit the two planets. White carapicians belong to the good planet Prospit, while the black carapicians belong to the evil planet Derse. Jack Noir is an agent of Derse, serving under the black queen while having to abide by ridiculous dress codes. During an altercation with the Black Queen involving his lack of a silly outfit, Jack unleashed a powerful weapon on the Queen, killing her. Jack then stole the Ring of Orbs, granting him immense power and transforming his body. Jack then went on a murderous rampage, destroying Prospit and the Black King.

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