Tuesday, May 9, 2017

The Midnight Crew

Image result for the midnight crew

Origin: Problem Sleuth (2008)
Type of Villain: Organized Crime
Goal: Illegal activity of any kind

The Midnight Crew are a group of secondary antagonists introduced to the webcomic Problem Sleuth as a reward for a fan donation. The Crew consists of 4 members named after a respective playing card. From left to right: Hearts Boxcars, Spades Slick, Diamonds Droog, and Clubs Deuce. Hearts Boxcars is the team muscle, and is armed with a TV ANTENNAE. Spades Slick is the gang's leader, and is armed with SHADOW MAGIC and a CAST IRON HORSE HITCHER. Diamonds Droog is the level headed intellectual, armed with various SUB-MACHINE GUNS and a CUE STICK. Clubs Deuce is the dangerous idiot and the team's demolitions expert. He is armed with THE CROOK OF FELONY and occasionally, a BULL PENIS CANE. At first, the Crew was summoned by Problem Sleuth, but when PS accidentally flashed his collection of gay pornography at them, Slick was disgusted and offended, switching sides immediately.

 "The dangerous band of mobsters threaten you with their sinister shadow-based magic."

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