Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Yellow Diamond

Image result for yellow diamond

Origin: Steven Universe (S2 Ep25)
Voice Actor: Patti Lupone
Type Of Villain: Corrupt Royalty
Goal: Destruction of Earth

One of the four Diamond monarchs reigning over the Gem Homeworld. Yellow Diamond is in direct control of Homeworld's military forces and geoweapons, making her a powerful force to be reckoned with. Her utter disdain for Earth and its organic life have been made clear by her attempt to destroy the Earth with an inhumane Gem super-weapon known as The Cluster. If not for Steven and a rouge Peridot, Earth would have been torn to pieces. Thus Yellow Diamond would have killed two birds with one stone, all life on Earth would be destroyed, and she gets her geoweapon.

"You are to leave the Cluster to grow! It will tear apart the Earth, and I will take immense satisfaction in erasing that hideous rock off of our star maps! IS THAT CLEAR!?"


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