Saturday, September 3, 2016

The Lich

File:The Lich.jpg

Origin: Adventure Time (S2 EP24)
Voice Actor: Ron Perlman
Type Of Villain: Undead
Goal: Extinction of all life

The Lich is an ancient force, driven by the singular goal of snuffing out all life in the universe. It's very voice causes even the strongest willed creatures to fall to their knees in agony. If not for the efforts of ancient heroes, and Finn himself, the Lich would have already succeeded in turning the universe into a lifeless cold void. But even now, his influence is still felt by all living creatures, warning them of his eventual return.

"Before there was time, before there was anything, there was nothing. And before there was nothing, there were Monsters."


1 comment:

  1. I remember watching that episode i thought it was really funny when Ice King dropped PB into the Lich's vat of goo, he must be really powerful to have taken over her body the way he did.
