Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Scarlet King (SCP-231)

File:The Scarlet King.jpg
Origin: SCP Foundation
Type Of Villain: Ancient Force/ Dark God
Goal: The destruction of existence

An ancient demon, born from the creation of the universe. He seeks to destroy existence, using his seven children to wreak havoc upon the Earth. Upon his children's deaths, he absorbs their power, gaining enough strength to eventually physically enter our world. The Scarlet King planted his children in a human woman (SCP-231), who unwillingly gave birth to six of them before being secured by the Foundation. Now, in order to prevent the birth of the final child, the foundation must use Procedure Montauk. Not much is known about the procedure, but a grim conclusion can be reached from it's requirements. The procedure can only be carried out by male criminals convicted of sexual assault. They are to be stripped before proceeding. Any sign of sympathy towards SCP-231 is punishable by memory wipe and immediate transferal. Any who deviate from standard procedure in any minute way are to be executed via firing squad. The procedure does what it must to secure the future of humanity. Secure Contain Protect, and may God have mercy on our souls.

1 comment:

  1. I like his design. Simplistic yet menacing.
