Thursday, November 24, 2016


Image result for auto wall-e

Origin: Wall-E (2008)
Voice Actor: MacinTalk Ralph TTS
Type Of Villain: Rogue A.I.
Goal: To follow prime directive A113

AUTO is the artificial intelligence piloting the Starship Axiom. Originally meant to assist the captain pilot the ship, after years of inactivity and automation the captain is nothing but a glorified announcer as AUTO handles all of the ship's motor functions. Sometime during the Axiom's flight, AUTO received prime directive A113 from Buy N' Large, preventing the ship from returning to Earth under any circumstances.

"Give me the plant."


  1. I like the WALL.E movie, especially all the futuristic scenery it presented for life beyond Earth.

  2. I love WALL.E as well, but I was sort of afraid of it for some reason.
