Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Soul of Cinder

Origin: Dark Souls 3 (2016)
Type of Villain: Guardian/Godlike Being
Goal: To protect the First Flame

Those who sacrifice their souls to the First Flame and live are known as Lords of Cinder. The Soul of Cinder is an amalgamation of all slain Lords, inheriting their knowledge, skills, and weapons. The Soul is tasked with protecting the First Flame from the unworthy by challenging any being entering the Kiln. Wielding the Coiled Sword, the Soul of Lords remains as the final challenge to any who overcome the horrors of Lothric. Will you sacrifice yourself to the Flame and take up the mantle of Lord of Cinder, or will you allow the dying Flame to fade, ending the cycle started by the Lord of Sunlight?



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