Sunday, January 8, 2017

Demon Lord Ninetails ( きゅうび)

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Origin: Okami (2006)
Type of Villain: Demon
Goal: To rule Nippon as a god

Ninetails is the powerful ruler of Oni Island, a kitsune with nine tails. Kitsune are fox demons that grow a tail for every 1000 years lived, Ninetails is one of the most powerful of their kind, and has been granted the title of Demon Lord. Using shape-shifting powers, Ninetails murdered the queen's pristess to take her place. With the queen's guard down, Ninetails struck, leaving the monarch in a lake of her own blood. The Demon Lord retreated to Oni Island, content with himself as he planned his next move.

"You needn't have come all this way just for me to kill you."

