Sunday, January 8, 2017

Orochi (「ヤマタノオロチ」)

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Origin: Okami (2006)
Type of Villain: Demon/Godlike Being
Goal: To become king of the underworld

The 8 headed serpent, Orochi is a Great Demon with necks as thicker than tree trunks and a mountain for a body. Orochi's 8 heads all represent certain elements in nature, with the corresponding head wielding the element's power. Fire, lightning, water, light, darkness, poison, earth, and wind. The head representing fire is the dominant head, speaking for the whole demon and possessing the greatest intelligence. Orochi demands sacrifices from the nearby village, choosing young maidens to devour. The beast was eventually slain by the great hero Nagi, who sealed the Demon's soul away with his sword. 100 years later, the seal has been broken, and Orochi demands more blood to sate its endless hunger.

"Seal our blood pact!"



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