Sunday, December 25, 2016


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Origin: Kirby Super Star (1996)
Type of Villain: True Antagonist
Goal: World Domination

One day in Dreamland, the Sun and Moon began to fight. Marx, a tiny jester creature, told Kirby to seek the comet Nova in order to use its power to calm the Sun and Moon. Little did Kirby know that Marx was the one to set everything in motion plotting to steal the comet's power for himself, and rule Dreamland. His face deformed and with newly grown gold wings, Marx challenges Kirby.

"I did it! It all went according to plan!"

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Soul of Cinder

Origin: Dark Souls 3 (2016)
Type of Villain: Guardian/Godlike Being
Goal: To protect the First Flame

Those who sacrifice their souls to the First Flame and live are known as Lords of Cinder. The Soul of Cinder is an amalgamation of all slain Lords, inheriting their knowledge, skills, and weapons. The Soul is tasked with protecting the First Flame from the unworthy by challenging any being entering the Kiln. Wielding the Coiled Sword, the Soul of Lords remains as the final challenge to any who overcome the horrors of Lothric. Will you sacrifice yourself to the Flame and take up the mantle of Lord of Cinder, or will you allow the dying Flame to fade, ending the cycle started by the Lord of Sunlight?



Thursday, November 24, 2016


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Origin: Wall-E (2008)
Voice Actor: MacinTalk Ralph TTS
Type Of Villain: Rogue A.I.
Goal: To follow prime directive A113

AUTO is the artificial intelligence piloting the Starship Axiom. Originally meant to assist the captain pilot the ship, after years of inactivity and automation the captain is nothing but a glorified announcer as AUTO handles all of the ship's motor functions. Sometime during the Axiom's flight, AUTO received prime directive A113 from Buy N' Large, preventing the ship from returning to Earth under any circumstances.

"Give me the plant."

Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Scarlet King (SCP-231)

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Origin: SCP Foundation
Type Of Villain: Ancient Force/ Dark God
Goal: The destruction of existence

An ancient demon, born from the creation of the universe. He seeks to destroy existence, using his seven children to wreak havoc upon the Earth. Upon his children's deaths, he absorbs their power, gaining enough strength to eventually physically enter our world. The Scarlet King planted his children in a human woman (SCP-231), who unwillingly gave birth to six of them before being secured by the Foundation. Now, in order to prevent the birth of the final child, the foundation must use Procedure Montauk. Not much is known about the procedure, but a grim conclusion can be reached from it's requirements. The procedure can only be carried out by male criminals convicted of sexual assault. They are to be stripped before proceeding. Any sign of sympathy towards SCP-231 is punishable by memory wipe and immediate transferal. Any who deviate from standard procedure in any minute way are to be executed via firing squad. The procedure does what it must to secure the future of humanity. Secure Contain Protect, and may God have mercy on our souls.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Flowey The Flower

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Origin: Undertale (2015)
Type of Villain: True Antagonist
Goal: To become God

Flowey is just a friendly face who wants to help you out! Or is he? Flowey is the soulless antagonist of Undertale's Neutral and True Pacifist endings, in which it is revealed that he was orchestrating the game's events in the background. Flowey lives by a single mantra, Kill or Be Killed which he firmly believes is the ultimate rule of the world. Flowey wishes to steal human souls in order to transform into a godlike being and destroy the universe, all to simply entertain himself. In the end, it is the player who must ultimately decide whether to FIGHT or SPARE him. But remember, "In this world, IT'S KILL OR BE KILLED!"

"And then, with my newfound powers... Monsters. Humans. Everyone. I'll show them all the REAL meaning of this world!"



Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Tahm Kench, The River King

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Origin: League of Legends (Released June 9th 2015)
Voice Actor: Pat Duke
Type of villain: Liar/Ancient Force
Goal: To satiate his endless hunger

Tahm Kench is a primordial creature, and self proclaimed king of all rivers. Kench is an adaptable creature, changing its appearance and voice to suit the region in which he currently resides. Kench's hulking form belies a cunning and manipulative personality, used to lure fools to him like fish to bait. He seeks out the desperate and gullible, striking deals that seem too good to be true. The monster only requires one thing in return, to allow him into your home, and supply him with food. If the fool falls for his honeyed words and accepts the deal, Kench will transport them to a location where their desires will be realized. When the person has established a happy and prosperous life, he returns to collect what they owe. The beast will consume everything they own, before finally consuming the fool, breaking their bones and crushing their limbs within his maw. Or, he will slaughter and devour their loved ones, leaving the fool as the only survivor. Yet they cannot blame him for they had a chance to walk away. Instead they are fools, the fools who let Him in!

"Boy, the world's one river, and I'm its king, ain't no place I ain't been, ain't no place I can't go again"



Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Jhin, the Virtuoso

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Origin: League of Legends (Released January 2nd 2016)
Voice Actor: Quinton Flynn
Type of Villain: Insane/Serial Killer
Goal: To create and show off works of the "purest art"

Jhin is a psychopathic maniac who believes that murder is art. Jhin used to work with a traveling show as a stagehand. Under the alias Khada Jhin, the man murdered men, women, and children, twisting the view of his victim's limp corpse to see the purest form of art. He was eventually found and imprisoned, but due to shady dealings in the country's council, he was freed and hired as a terrorist and assassin under the government's control. Now he is free to create as much art as he pleases as long as it benefits his clients. Let it not be said that there are many things Jhin is proficient in, and of them, shocking a crowd is his specialty.

"Art requires a certain... cruelty."

Thursday, September 8, 2016

King Sombra

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Origin: My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic (S3 Ep1)
Voice Actor: Jim Miller
Type Of Villain: Corrupt Royalty
Goal: The enslavement of the Crystal Empire

King Sombra is an evil unicorn with a heart as black as night. He subjugated the Crystal Empire, sealing away the Crystal Heart and enslaving the Crystal Ponies. He was eventually sealed away by the Royal Sisters, turned into shadow and imprisoned within a glacier. Before he was banished, Sombra placed a curse upon the empire, causing it to disappear for a thousand years. Now his seal is broken, and Sombra has returned to reclaim his Empire of slaves.

"Yeeessss, my cryssstal sssslaaavesss!"

Music (Fanmade)

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Yellow Diamond

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Origin: Steven Universe (S2 Ep25)
Voice Actor: Patti Lupone
Type Of Villain: Corrupt Royalty
Goal: Destruction of Earth

One of the four Diamond monarchs reigning over the Gem Homeworld. Yellow Diamond is in direct control of Homeworld's military forces and geoweapons, making her a powerful force to be reckoned with. Her utter disdain for Earth and its organic life have been made clear by her attempt to destroy the Earth with an inhumane Gem super-weapon known as The Cluster. If not for Steven and a rouge Peridot, Earth would have been torn to pieces. Thus Yellow Diamond would have killed two birds with one stone, all life on Earth would be destroyed, and she gets her geoweapon.

"You are to leave the Cluster to grow! It will tear apart the Earth, and I will take immense satisfaction in erasing that hideous rock off of our star maps! IS THAT CLEAR!?"


Saturday, September 3, 2016

Asra Nox

Origin: Starbound (2013)
Type Of Villain: Cultist
Goal: The elimination of all non-human races

Asra Nox is the founder of the Occasus, a cult dedicated to bringing about an entity known as the Ruin in order to destroy all non human races. Nox's motivations however are not fueled by prophetic visions or religious zealotry. Nox's parents and home were wiped out by alien raiders, creating a deep hatred for anything non-human, and if she has her way, the humans will rule the universe atop the corpses of all other life.

"You know you're way in over your head don't you?"


The Lich

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Origin: Adventure Time (S2 EP24)
Voice Actor: Ron Perlman
Type Of Villain: Undead
Goal: Extinction of all life

The Lich is an ancient force, driven by the singular goal of snuffing out all life in the universe. It's very voice causes even the strongest willed creatures to fall to their knees in agony. If not for the efforts of ancient heroes, and Finn himself, the Lich would have already succeeded in turning the universe into a lifeless cold void. But even now, his influence is still felt by all living creatures, warning them of his eventual return.

"Before there was time, before there was anything, there was nothing. And before there was nothing, there were Monsters."


Thursday, September 1, 2016

Seath The Scaleless

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Origin: Dark Souls (2011)
Type Of Villain: Insane
Goal: Immortality

Seath is the only eternal dragon without the stone scales that grant immortality. In his pursuit of knowledge he furthered the art of sorceries while attempting to secure a method of eternal life. After decades he procured a temporary solution, the Primordial Crystal, which closed his wounds and slowed his age. Centuries of isolation left him blind and insane, capturing maidens across the land to experiment upon them in unspeakable ways. Now, his experiments roam free, terrorizing the land and slaughtering all they come across, leaving all but the bravest and strongest undead to challenge him.


Dark Matter Swordsman

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Origin: Kirby's Dreamland 2 (1995)
Type Of Villain: True Antagonist
Goal: Eternal Misery

Dark Matter is the hidden antagonist of Nintendo's 1995 classic, Kirby's Dreamland 2. The swordsman is only revealed after the player reaches 100% completion, where Kirby must use the Rainbow Blade in order to even scratch the Swordsman's black hide. Dark Matter's true goals are not  revealed until the game's sequel, but it can be assumed that whatever it is, it spells doom for Dreamland and its people.


Phase 1
Phase 2